Scott Hill Park
on Aug 01, 2014
Approximately 100 people enjoyed the opportunity of a first look introduction to Scott Hill Park and Sports Complex at the Rotary Club of Woodland's Evening of Discovery held July 31, 2014.

Everyone seemed excited and inspired by the park tour and the opportunity to visit the park property and visualize the park layout. Fat Moose Bar & Grill provided a wonderful meal with Woodland Burgerville providing punch and lemonade. The evening was kicked off by Rotary Club of Woodland President Jeff Stay and invocation by Rotarian Bob Hasbrouck. Speakers for the short program included Rotarian and Mayor of Woodland, Grover Laseke, and Rotarian Susan McAdams. Youth sports parent & enthusiast, Eric Grell, shared his perspective and vision of Scott Hill Park and what the park will bring to Woodland. Thank you to Scott Hill Project Chair, Sandy Larson, our speakers and the many volunteers who put the wonderful Evening of Discovery event together.